Voluntary Benefits

Long-term care legislative updates

Stay informed about the latest in long-term care legislation

The growing challenge of long-term care (LTC) has led several states to consider legislation to address the issue. For carriers and benefit brokers, it's important to understand what's on the table so that we can better support employers and employees in those states. Trustmark is monitoring these developments and will provide updates on any relevant long-term care legislation.
  • Key update (3/10/2025) - MA introduces a bill to for a long-term care payroll tax study
  • Key update (3/10/2025) - Milliman presents its draft report for the MA state LTC feasibility study 
  • Key update (3/10/2025) - HI introduces a series of bills to explore a long-term care program
  • Key update (3/10/2025) - WA senate bill to strengthen the WA Cares program moves forward
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Stay informed about the latest in long-term care legislation

What's driving legislative action?

Due to demographic changes, the need for long-term care and caregiving services is on the rise. At the same time, growing costs make access to care increasingly difficult. This situation has put many at financial risk. And it's not just individuals that are feeling the effects; the challenge of care is a risk for states as well. When people can't afford care, they often rely on state-funded programs for support.

State legislatures are considering action to protect their residents and to control the costs of state programs that offer support for care. Trustmark can help you get up to speed with what's happening and how to handle legislation: Regardless of whether or not a state takes legislative action, the conversation underlines the challenge we face when it comes to care. You can start protecting employees today with life insurance that includes benefits for care:
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State legislative updates

Please note that we have only included updates on states that have introduced legislation or have a task force exploring long-term care programs.

Below is a brief update on activities from those states that are most engaged on this issue. It should be noted that proposed legislation typically sees many changes along the way after it is introduced and often takes years before it is passed as law, so it should not be assumed that any proposed legislation will be passed without modifications.